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Frodo and the Nazgul

Frodo and the Nazgul

The Scene That Never Was...

This image was done in New Zealand for Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Very early on, when the project still called for two films, Peter was faced with some incredibly difficult choices, and struggling to chop the epic trilogy in two while fitting all the action into a mere 4 or 5 hours.
In order to provide a climactic scene at the end of film one, the script called for the Lord of the Nazgul to confront Frodo on Amon Hen. (There is a hint of this in the Two Towers...)
Having already designed Amon Hen, it was a real pleasure to settle down for a few days and do a colour piece.
Thankfully, the project passed from Miramax to New Line, two films became three, and the scene was scrapped.

The Art of the Lord of the Rings
Gary Russel

Keywords: palantir
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