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The Siege of Angband

The Siege of Angband

The Siege of Angband

Originally done for The Shaping of Middle-Earth

This is perhaps the least favorite of my Tolkien pictures (barring a few absolutely awful ones which certainly won't make it on the site...)
Angband is all wrong, the causeway and towers are ridiculous, the Elvish warriors in the foreground have awful costume and silly heraldry on dopey banners and the background is boring, though no worse than the swath of unkempt lawn in the front... well, okay, the flames are sort of all right.
Even worse, it feels like high fantasy, but certainly not connected to Middle-Earth.
I wonder what I thought I was doing... but I'd happily do it again tomorrow if given the opportunity.
One day, perhaps...

The History of Middle-Earth: Volume 04 - The Shaping of Middle-Earth
The Shaping of Middle-Earth - USA
The History of Middle-Earth Volume 04: The Shaping of Middle-Earth
The History of Middle-Earth Volume 4: The Shaping of Middle-Earth (Spain)
The Tolkien Library - The History of Middle-Earth Volume 4: The Shaping of Middle-Earth (Spain)

Unfinished Tales III - France

File size: 78.6 KB

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