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IvanhoƩ II - first edition

IvanhoƩ II - first edition

IvanhoĆ© : DeuxiĆØme partie
Walter Scott
Ā© 1983 Editions Gallimard/Folio Junior
ISBN 2-07-033244-6

What a nightmare this cover was ! I started seven (count them, SEVEN !) times before I came up with this absolutely mediocre picture (out of desperation, I suppose). I practically traced it off a photo of some atrociously outfitted and ludicrously attired modern knights from some high-colour low-authenticity stunt show. As they were convincingly decked out in American football gear and jeans spray-painted with aluminium paint, I faithfully copied every detail for lack of any other knowledge whatsoever. So what is it doing on my web site if it's so bad? Atonement for my sins, though it was a long time ago. The castle in the background is Chillon.
At least copying THAT from a photo was a little less shameful in the long run.

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