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All Work and No Play…

February 27, 2004

Written by John Howe

…Makes John a Dull Boy.

This last week has been a week of overtime and malicious deadlines lurking in wait (like the ones that live under the basement stairs when you’re a kid, with tentacles). Between camping out at the scan shop and wearing down my brushes.
Haven’t lifted my nose from the wheel or my shoulder from the grindstone except to mix metaphors unless it is the other way around and/or vice versa.
Where is that place time goes when you need it? It’s only when you’ve got it on your hands (what a curious expression: time on your hands – evocative of hourglasses balanced on fingertips, or sand running though your fingers…) and don’t know where to put it that it seems easy to find.
The Muse has struck me off her mailing list.
Inspiration scorns my shoulder as a potential perch. Ungrateful harpy, fickle fowl, clean out your own cage this week. See if I care.
So, no news is no news, my limited thoughts are ever turned to just getting work done. On time. More or less. Sort of. Give or take a day or two.


The trailer is up and running on http://www.johnhowedocumentary.com

Ever heard of “The Bastion” by Tolkien? Neither had I until a few months ago, when it turned up like a rotten apple in eBay’s bountiful basket. I complained, it was removed. Now it’s back. Who ARE these crooks?
Last time I came across their nasty tracks, I tried to purchase a Gandalf ceramic tile and a t-shirt of the same. Tasteful, undoubtedly, They happily debited my credit card, but NEVER sent the items. Twice crooks, and thieves compounded. I’d love to leave some negative feedback, but I can’t buy my own illegal print in order to complain about being ripped off…

A children’s book, and one long overdue at that.

Ever had a tune stuck in your head?
All week, I’ve been humming that old Elvish Presley tune “You ain’t nothin’ but a balrog…”
Definitely been working too hard.

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