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March 15, 2013

Written by John Howe

Well, I’m back.

I confess that everything caught up with me, and what I had planned as a short break from newsletters turned into a rather longer one. Work continues unabated, and given that I have been doing a little moonlighting as well, finding enough hours in the day has been difficult.

Additionally, this newsletter isn’t really one, more just  a sign of life than anything else, and the opportunity to rekindle my own energy and continue on with them as before. This said, I haven’t been wholly idle, and have done a few illustrations for board game covers, as well as a very exciting little project for a London publisher, a preface for a book, and several interviews for web sites and magazines, all of which quickly make weekends and evenings disappear with surprising ease.

Here is an interview with the wide-ranging cultural site Sound Colour Vibration. The others will follow when they go on line.

Gormenghast is one of the novels I most admire, so when Sophisticated Games asked if I would consider doing a cover for a board game based on Mervyn Peake’s astonishing universe, I hope my haste to accept didn’t appear unseemly. My only regret was not being able to work in a wide landscape format, and extend the square illustration as much again to both the left and the right.

The Gormenghast Boardgame

The Gormenghast Boardgame


Additionally, I’d like to thank all who shared links and helped promote the sale of a sketch that Alan and I did for Robin’s Relief. The sketch has been sold, with a winning bid of US $3650.00. Thanks everyone.

Tree & Unicorn


Things are very busy at the day job, and equally busy once I get off work, so I hope you will pardon the brevity of this blog entry.  Once I sketch my way out of my current corner, I’ll be picking up themes and subjects temporarily abandoned before the Christmas break,  and hopefully packing my camera and getting out for more weekend treks.

So, all in all, lots going on, and the perpetual scramble to keep up. But, I’ll be back. See you next month!


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