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Behind the Rain

October 03, 2004

Written by John Howe

Or Under the Ridge-Line

How I wish I had invented that title.*

The month of October is going to be about as full as it can be and still squeeze myself into it.
The art book project is nearing completion, I have a painting of Beowulf to do, sketches to deliver, the Canadian film crew will be turning up soon and we are going to Lucca Comics and Games at the end of the month and hopefully the Utopiales in Nantes in early November.
So it is going to be a month of just trying to keep ahead.

So if the newsletter falls by the wayside, it’s because it couldn’t keep up.

Thus, if anybody asks, that’s where I’ll be.

Behind the rain.

Or beyond the ridge-line.

Wherever it is that we seek the rainbow’s end….

* I stole it from Jonathan Strange & Mister Norrel – fabulous book, by the way.
Guilty on two counts, I stole “Under the Ridge-Line” from someone else.

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