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CHRONICLES of an illustrator

For the Record…

Or In Others’ Words… Welcome to FIT TO PRINT. The portfolio’s new section is ultimately intended as a full on-line archive of articles printed over the years. For now it is very much under construction, but since Dom cooked up such a pretty customised PDF icon, I just...

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Bonsoir Paris

Or An Unexpected Party… The Berlin premiere was wonderful fun - one always gets swept up in things like this and everything is a blur. My memory will return when we get our photos back from the developers. But Paris, on the other hand, was most definitely a night to...

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Well, I’m Back…

Or Driving Home from Middle-Earth Just returned from a press screening of the Return of the King this morning. I have several things to say: Definitely take Kleenex along. Definitely don’t get the king-size drink before going in. Definitely plan what you’re going to...

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Imagining Things…

Or Why “Imagine” Minus Two Letters is Worth a Thousand Words… PARIS Out with Vancouver, in with Paris! No sooner is one show cancelled than a totally different one appears. “The Lord of the Rings: From Imagination to Image” will open at the Bibliothèque Nationale de...

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Flavour of the Month

Or Fantasy Illustration 101… For ages, I have been wondering how to set up a manageable fan art section on the site. Not wishing to add yet another post-your-own gallery to the thousands that are already navigating in cyberspace, and fearing it could well outgrow the...

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Mea Culpa

Mea Maxima Culpa…actually I am falling behind on nearly everything these days. (Where DID summer go?) With the exhibition in Gruyères now in the past tense, I had hoped to announce something really fun: my first ever real gallery show in Canada, and in my home town of...

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Looking it up…

Or Trying to Find the Meaning of Life… ILLUSTRATOR n., in L. Form f. illustrate v. Cf. late L. illusrâtor (lactatantius); F. illustrateur (15th c. in Godef.) One who or that which illustrates, in the various senses of the vb.; one who gives or draws illustrations; the...

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Once Upon A Time

Or a Fraser Valley* Fairy Tale… Once upon a time, there was a little boy who wanted to draw a cow. As he was a farmer’s son, cows were in no short supply, so he had plenty to work from. Unfortunately for him, his ambitions outweighed his skills like the proverbial...

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Driving Rain

Or the Secret Language of Windshield Wipers… I’m not a big fan of driving. I dislike driving at night, I hate even more driving in the rain. Hurtling along at great speed, encapsulated by a hissing halo of horizontal rain, with the wipers’ flickering pantomime in from...

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The Alka-Seltzer of the Soul

Or Can You Get Your Daily Calorie Intake From Food For Thought? While digestive analogies are perhaps best avoided when talking about the creative process (yuck!), one of the most consistent aspects of drawing the world is the constant need to ingest it, like some...

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Lost for Words

Or Walking in the Word Forest… As often as I’m lost for words, I’m even more often lost IN words. Words, while they are often imperfect vehicles to convey our thoughts, are the best we can do.  While they may be unwieldy tools to carve our finer thoughts, they are all...

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Goin’ Places, Gettin

Or The GPS Of Life… Ever wonder just WHY you do what you do or why you are just where you are? (Myself, rarely, or at least never more than a half a dozen times a day.) I managed to pass, thank you very much,  on the what-will-I-do-when-I-grow-up angst when I was...

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