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Edinburgh International Book Festival

August 16, 2008

Written by John Howe


I’ll be giving talk at the Edinburgh Book Festival on Saturday August 23rd, from 8:00 pm to 9: pm

Here’s what I’ve found out about it:
The Art of Illustrating
John Howe’s meticulously crafted illustrations capture the essence of some of the most exciting narratives in the English language. On this illuminating voyage of illustration and design, he discusses his book illustration work on Beowulf and his role as lead artist on The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

I’m not even quite sure where it is (it’s in Edinburgh, I know that much) but I’m sure it’s possible (and mandatory) to reserve seats in advance. The festival site is here. Apologies for announcing this so late, it totally slipped my mind until today, and as usual, in these events one is in such expert hands that it’s easy to forget to actually enquire as to what one is expected to do.
The PowerPoint I sent has arrived and apparently functions, which is always reassuring. If time allows, we’ll show a presentation too of the LOTR film sketches, most of which have actually never been shown anywhere, so it should be good fun.

Also, this will be the first time I’ve set foot in Scotland (land of at least some of my ancestors) so I’m VERY curious to see what chords are struck.

More info here and here.

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