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792 entries.
Trine Friberg from Frederiksberg C wrote on January 11, 2024 at 8:26 AM
Dear John
I am rights coordinator at a small publishing house in Denmark specializing in publishing textbooks. We are also an organization for Danish teachers on all levels and publish magazines for our members dealing with relevant content for teachers.
In our upcoming magazine for highschool teachers the author of one of the articles would love to display one of your drawings and I reach out to you in hopes of being able to clear the rights, but haven’t succeeded in find an e-mail address. Would you please contact me, so I can tell you more about it?
Best regards
Delfyne Gwenn from Quimper, French Brittany wrote on December 3, 2023 at 2:08 PM
This website is a mine of amazing sketches and ideas, and I could hop around forever, laughing at your sass - especially on that last Turin hopping onto his sword picture.

It also takes us on a journey, for what your share are words turned into reality, and that little bit of magic soothes bad days like it completes good ones.

I had the priviledge and joy to meet you in Landerneau last friday at the signing of your books. You didn't disappoint, great mind already jumping to Tintagel and Arthurian legends in the blink of an eye.
Even though, I bet, after three hours signing up books and making conversation - in french, mind you ! - I bet you were pretty happy to retreat.

Thank you for this all. I hope you will enjoy the book I left you with.
Wishing you a long and fulfilling life, with flowing inspiration 🙂
Thank you for fuelling ours.

Delfyne Gwenn, french author
Michael Taylor from Leicester, United Kingdom wrote on November 8, 2023 at 11:20 PM
I was led here through a desperate internet quest to find a copy/print/poster of Gandalf The Grey for sale. Alas to no avail. I bought my first copy of the Lord of The Rings with my own money at the age of 12. Middle Earth had sparked my imagination for a year or so before and ever since. The masterpiece ‘Gandalf the Grey’ was on the cover and I lost myself in that picture for many hours over the years. It had a certain magic I can’t define. If there’s one depiction of Tolkien’s work that captures the essence of that world then this is it for me. It hurts me to think that the original work was stolen and never recovered. My quest continues!
Gontier from Broût-Vernet (France) wrote on October 26, 2023 at 3:03 PM
Bonjour M.HOWE,

Cet été j'ai eu la chance d'aller voir votre exposition à Landerneau au fond culturel E.Leclerc. J'ai enfin pu admirer des illustrations que je ne pensais jamais voir en réalité, notamment l'entrée de la maison du Hobbit et la destruction d'Isengard par les ents. Elles sont parmi mes favorites.
Je souhaitez vous remercier pour votre travail que je suis maintenant depuis quelques années. Merci également d'avoir été à titre personnel une source d'inspiration.
Si jamais il vous prenez l'envie de revenir en bretagne ou de venir en auvergne nous avons dans ces deux régions un patrimoine architectural formidable.
Je vous souhaite une excellente fin de journée.
Fabien Gontier
Alex from Milwaukee wrote on September 22, 2023 at 7:22 PM
I came here to do research for a project and I was fascinated by your work and the impact it's had on fantasy art! Hope you're having a good day!
nathalie from Sainte Marie du Bois wrote on September 11, 2023 at 9:55 AM
Bonjour John,
Mille pardons d'écrire en français mais c'est plus facile pour moi. Samedi j'ai visité l'expo à Landerneau. Un grand moment dans ma vie. Merci de nous avoir depuis si longtemps donné à rêver même dans le quotidien.
Simon wrote on July 6, 2023 at 12:37 AM
I came here for the book with the pop-up spider. Didn't find it. But oh so many interesting books and texts ... damn you 😉
John Cipriani wrote on April 13, 2023 at 8:20 AM
Hi John, first off I must say you were an absolute inspiration for me becoming an artist. I would love to return the favor and invite you to my company Supercell in Helsinki Finland. We are a games company the artists would love to have you over to share each other's experiences and talk about art. And of course have you enjoy the Finnish hospitality. Thank you for your time and your amazing work.
Han Olliver from Brooklyn wrote on February 8, 2023 at 5:51 PM
Hello John,

Over 14 years ago when I was a teen, I wrote you a message, sharing some of my art (and professed my "half-elf" lineage as many a homeschooled kid was apt to do) and asking for a critique. I mentioned that I was working on a novel and wanted to be an artist and a writer when I grew up. You were kind enough to take the time to look at my art and also send an encouraging message back, intoning my "elven lineage" as part of the reason for talent you saw and playing along with the fantasy I loved and wanted to find myself in. It was a short note yet it has loomed large in my life. I've thought about your message and kindness ever since, carried the generosity of your time and thought with me as I've moved through the world. I'm now an adult (with knees far past my age) and the artist I wanted to be as a child. I'm working on a pitch for my first graphic novel, painting, and writing those worlds I dreamed myself a part of. I don't know if you'll remember me but I wanted to say that I remember you and carry with me your message and goodness like both balm and promise. A little belated, but thank you for giving me my own small “light in dark places, [for] when all other lights go out” to hold onto and lead the way.

With love and thanks—

Igor from Chernogolovka, Russia wrote on February 7, 2023 at 5:27 PM
Hello John! My name is Igor, I'm 29 now. In my youth, I was very impressed with the works of Tolkien.
Now I get great pleasure from viewing your work. I used one of them on a social network for background design and provided a link to this site.
Thank you!
P.S I'm just learning to understand copyright. It's not stealing, is it?
Kelly Chandley from Lake Wales wrote on February 6, 2023 at 9:08 PM
I was just wondering if John ever got his sculptures, for his front door, from Weta.
Carlla M. from Curitiba, Brazil wrote on November 25, 2022 at 3:36 PM
Mr. Howe

When little I was gifted a Rip Von Winkle book of yours and was totally mesmerised by your art. For years I looked at it for hours and was always able to see something new in the illustrations, which I tried to copy on my notebooks (not successfully, of course). It made huge impact on me, I keep it close to my heart all those 30 years later or so.

I stopped to look at it once again a few days ago and finally google it, finding your website. Your work is extraordinary, thanks so much for the inspiration.

Best Wishes
Carlla M.
Bonnie K from Kentucky, USA wrote on November 22, 2022 at 8:25 PM
Your Ultimate Fantasy Art Academy has really refreshed my studio/sketch practice, and made me interested in dragons again. Read it as an eBook but planning on getting a physical copy to leaf through when I need inspiration. Thanks!
Sredna from Fargo wrote on August 7, 2022 at 3:19 AM
Hi John, so fun to write to you! Just wanted to say I’m a huge fan of your artwork and love the atmosphere you create in your paintings. I make fantasy art as well and you are such an inspiration! Be well
Michael Orth from Langley BC wrote on May 2, 2022 at 12:34 AM
Hey John. It's been years since we last communicated. Looks like things are going well for you. Happy to see that. Hope you made it through the pandemic unscathed. Hope to hear from you.

Michael Orth
Mason Trent from Landrum wrote on March 1, 2022 at 4:14 AM
Hello John,
This is Mason T. again. I am so excited to know your work will be part of The Rings of Power series! Looking forward to it!
I’m sending you “Live Candle Card,” with items in celebration of your art with mathoms to represent Lord of the Rings and Hobbit as well as a few raven/crow mathoms.
Just sending along a little light! ✨

Live Candle Card 🕯🧙‍♂️🌳🐉🪶🏔

Mason Trent
Mason Trent from Landrum, SC wrote on February 27, 2022 at 3:07 AM
Dear John,
I loved your essay “Everything That is Not Us.” Beautiful and poignant. I know my Mother and Dad would have loved it as well. My Dad taught high school mathematics (for one well behaved Friday class, he would read “The Hobbit.” And my Mother was an astronomer, earth scientist and an artist. She had also read “The Hobbit,” before she met my Dad. They both loved your artwork and it’s beautiful application within the LOTR films. (And The Hobbit)! My whole family loved earth. And I will always remember advice my Mother gave in regard to Nature: “Reflect the Beauty you feel.” And THAT is exactly what you do in your beautiful paintings of landscapes!
Thank you for the beauty!

Mason Trent
Cameron Thompson wrote on January 26, 2022 at 2:15 AM
Dear Mr. Howe,

Many greetings from the visual land of Middle Earth aka Nz!

I wish to pass on my admiration for your numerous artworks based on the Tolkien’s text of Middle Earth {and if possible to your arch nemesis as well, Mr.Lee ;)}. Your illustrations capture the very enchanted feel of Middle Earth when one reads Tolkien, a notable example being the illustrations of Gandalf looking down from a hill onto the Shire. The love of Tolkien is visible seen in your other illustrations as well.

Your illustrations have not only helped me develop a love for the Golden Age Illustrators but are also a source of inspiration on my road in becoming an illustrator.

Though I do not wish to impose, I would be honoured if you are able to give advice on how one should improve their drawing skills or learn/ study from other illustrators works. If there’s a forum post covering that topic or if there’s a way to contact you directly it would be very much appreciated if you can help a mere pencil scribbler such as I become better at the craft.

I wish the best in your daily and artistic endeavours and thank you for hosting a site to see and explore more of your marvellous work.

Sincerely yours,
Marty Walser from Frederick, MD wrote on January 12, 2022 at 7:43 AM
Dear Mr. Howe,

I really cannot express how your art, along with Mr Lee, set the bar for fantasy art for me in the 80's. I remember specifically the 1987 Tolkien calendar. I had to look up which year it was because I had owned a few in the late 80's and early 90's... but I specifically remembered your Uruk Hai, Nazgul, and iconic illustrations of Gandalf from various years.

Anyway, just wanted to say you have yet another fan for whom you set the tone for Middle Earth and your work over the years has been fantastic.
sean Mr Hross from homeless wrote on October 20, 2021 at 2:03 PM
Hi John Howe, watch the 13 hour quadrilogy "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil". Hopefully it'll give you some more inspiration for your coming art works on the true and very ugly face of SwiSSyland; I saw your poster with your name on it yesterday October 19th 2021 at the Château de Hohlandsbourg in France. Version Française "Enfer Suisse Satanique". I'm from the land and birth place of Tolkien.