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792 entries.
carl salvin from sweden wrote on January 27, 2003 at 11:31 AM
nice homepage i must say, i love your Tolkien work!
Jimmy from Spain wrote on January 24, 2003 at 9:55 AM
Nice looking website! 🙂 it's great the chance we've to look at the whole artwork from you.

I've always think about your work, that anybody can capture the emotions, the colors and the tree's shapes, like the way you do it.
Lucile from Paris wrote on January 23, 2003 at 3:49 PM
Bonjour John!
Je voulais vous remercier pour la gentillesse et la simplicité dont vous avez fait preuve les deux fois o๠je vous ai demandé une dédicace!!
En effet, la première fois, je vous ai demandé un hobbit, à  la boutique Arkham, à  Paris, alors que vous pouviez encore à  peine tenir votre crayon...:)
La seconde fois, c'était à  votre vernissage au centre culturel canadien, o๠vous m'avez très gentiment dessiné un pied (toujours de hobbit) 🙂 alors que je ne vous tendais qu'un pauvre carton d'invitation...
Je tiens à  m'excuser tout particulièrement pour les gourdes de françaises qui vous sont littéralement passées dessus pour embrasser Elijah Wood... 🙁
Si vous cherchez des photos du vernissage, j'ai une amie qui en a faite, nous pourrions vous les envoyer...
Merci encore pour votre matérialisation de la terre du milieu, elles nous font, et continueront longtemps à  nous faire, rêver!
Tricia (Elestria) from Washington, Pennsylvania wrote on January 23, 2003 at 1:16 PM
John, your work has completely captivated me! I have always been a fan of fantasy...both written word and images, and I believe that your work is among the best there is. Your site has provided me with hours of enjoyment!! Thank you for creating it! And thank you for all of your wonderful work! :p 😀
Katrin from Florence-Italy wrote on January 20, 2003 at 6:13 PM
I've discovered your art only recently but iy conquered me completly. I'm very surprised by the nice homepage and I hope you'll continue to enjoy us with your creativite force!! Saluti from Italy, Katrin 🙂
Davorin from Croatia,Europe wrote on January 18, 2003 at 11:06 PM
Nice looking page and images too.Good work.
Kristi from California wrote on January 13, 2003 at 4:32 PM
John, I'm such an admirer of your work.I was pleasantly surprised to see your site!I have recently taken an interest in illustration. I would be grateful to achieve a small fraction of what you have done. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us 🙂
Toralf Hollen wrote on January 13, 2003 at 10:15 AM
...and so when all hope was gone, the site finally appeared out of thin air...

Thanks for the outstanding artwork you come up with!

Evenstar wrote on January 12, 2003 at 3:05 PM
Very nice site. I love your illustrations that complement the works of Tolkien.

🙂 🙂 🙂
Vilya from The cold and dark Finland wrote on January 11, 2003 at 6:45 PM
Finally! How long I've waited for this site to come. Hope you'll really update this site.. 😉
SilverHand from Silverton, Oregon wrote on January 11, 2003 at 4:41 AM
Are there any John Howe limited edition prints for sale anywhere? I'd love to purchase a print, but after a few yahoo searches I'm unable to find a gallery selling prints. 🙂
EXCELSIS "helvetic-folk-metal" from Koppigen wrote on January 6, 2003 at 7:18 PM
Excellente Arbeiten !!!
Durch Ihre Arbeiten erhalten wir mehr Inspirationen für unsere Lieder!
Vielen Dank!!
Jenny Matthews from Tasmania AUSTRALIA wrote on January 3, 2003 at 8:27 AM
Am totaly blissed out about the movies so far, those grumpy Tolkien fans....
If it all gets people reading it then so much the better eh?
More power to those New Zealanders.
Nice to hear that you have aquaintance with the Hilderbrandt (sp?) illustrations!
Susannah wrote on December 31, 2002 at 1:33 PM
Lieber John

Als treuer Tolkien-Fan schà¤tze ich Ihre Arbeit ganz besonders. Ihre wunderbaren Illustrationen à¶ffnen das einst verschlossene Tor zu diesem fantastischen Land Mittelerde.

Vielen Dank 🙂

Ihre Susannah
Sunila The Dragonlady wrote on December 25, 2002 at 11:00 PM
Hi John!

Cool site! I'll make sure to come and check it out regularly. And I'll finally be assured never to miss your exhibitions or public appearances anymore!

I like the idea of a forum but personally I tend to prefer mailing lists (the type where everyone can post), it takes less time to browse among the messages and one doesn't have to stay connected to do so.... Maybe in the future?

I look forward to meeting many nice people here. See you soon!

Antilles wrote on December 22, 2002 at 7:54 PM
This site is a real piece of artwork.

I enjoy your work and hope you're not fed up with it too soon 🙂


chris wozniak from Grand Island, NY wrote on December 22, 2002 at 11:03 AM
Wonderful website John 🙂

I like the website layout and the design. I also enjoyed the artwork.

You did such FANTASTIC artwork for Lord of The Rings, your concept sketches and invisions where brought to life on the screen came true. Such a great dedication to your artwork for the movie. I have the lord of the rings art book and I can see your involvment with the charaters and the landscape of Hobbiton are amazing!

I would like you to view my website at www.the-realms.com to see my artwork.
I would like you to sign my guest book page for me please. It would be a great pleasure to have my page sign by a real famous artist it would make my day. I'm a big fan of your artwork Thank You ~Chris Wozniak
niamh from ireland wrote on December 22, 2002 at 2:37 AM
great idea! Can't wait to have the whole site running!!!!
Thank you mr Howe, you've always been my favorite Tolkien illustrator,and I'll be getting to know your other works now.
Eradan wrote on December 20, 2002 at 11:16 PM
Mr. John Howe,

thank you so much for your works. Thank you for you "snapshot" that help us all to enter in the Middle Earth.
I appreciate very much your excellent skills to render the Tolkien description and atmosphere.

Season's Greetings,
Loic Dorthe from Lausanne wrote on December 20, 2002 at 11:05 PM
That is really a good idea to put part of your work on the web! God bless this website!
All the best for the future and I wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a happy new year

(former President of the student association of Zofingue)