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792 entries.
Sarah from Lausanne wrote on December 20, 2002 at 6:30 PM
Cher M. Howe,
Quel superbe site, féliciations !
Je souhaite vous remercier pour votre patience et votre gentillesse lors de la séance de dédicaces à  la Fnac de Lausanne le week-end passé. Malgré la chaleur et la foule un peu pressée, vous avez fait très plaisir à  de nombreux fans avec vos superbes dessins...
Merci encore, et bonnes fêtes !
Julien from Lausanne wrote on December 20, 2002 at 1:37 PM
Dear M. Howe,
it has always been such a great pleasure to admire your work. I did it twice (in Sierre, and "la Maison d'ailleurs") and this were amazing moments. Your web site is a place of happiness, the key to a beautiful world while wandering on the internet.
And Thank you for your work on the movies, which has put part of your creations in movement.

Thank you M. Howe 🙂
Sarah Luisa Giamp from Zurich, Switzerland wrote on December 19, 2002 at 2:01 PM
Dear Mr. Howe

My name is Sarah Luisa Giampà  (17)

I wanna really thank you for all the beautiful paintings about the Lord of the Rings! I'm such a huge fan of it!

I admire your work and I hope some day to see them "live"

Thank you, thank you"

Sarah Luisa Giampà 

My LOR Homepage:


Naomi wrote on December 19, 2002 at 3:16 AM
Part 2
In close, thank you for your dedication, your work and the pursuit to better it, and for sharing it with all of us. And for making this site! Finally! It is very friendly, and the little commentaries on every piece just make it all the more inviting an interesting. My recommendation to any one who's reading: snuggle up in a cushioned chair with a nice cup of chocolate milk and take a tour of this 'museum' 😉 Thank you!
Naomi from Israel wrote on December 19, 2002 at 3:15 AM
Part 1
This is an amazing site! I've searched your work before, but up until now I had no idea how many masterpieces you've produced and I've never before grasped the quality of your work! It's awe-inspiring! Your works just jump out of the format, all you have to do is reach forward and grasp them! They fill the viewer with the coldness, fear, or warmth and joy of the scene caught by your pencil or brush. I especially love your attention to armor and the complicity of their design! I am very fascinated by armor suits (I was all 😀 when I viewed the aromr paintings!) and I especially loved the design of Legolas' armor in the Helm's Deep masterpiece. And I would also like to commend you on your way of protraying the elves. It is very hard to try and paint an elf, that is why they are mostly drawn with a view of their back and flowing hair, and I must admit I pretty much dread an encounter with an artwork capturing a frontal of an elf, because, like you said, it will all fall shorter than glory. But you have a strong hold of their elegance, pride, wisdom, and 'higher being', (displayed in Galadriel,) that do capture their assence, and am more close to the truth than many others, and more than you think :p !
Rob Huston from Ontario, Canada wrote on December 19, 2002 at 1:39 AM
Hi John -- the web site looks great! As the designer of Ted Nasmith's site (www.tednasmith.com), I wanted to come and see how you solved some of the challenges of getting all that art on-line -- and it's interesting to see where the two designs differ, and where they are similar.

Also wanted to tell you what great work I think you've done on the movies -- Jackson was wise indeed to seek yourself and Alan out! It just wouldn't have been Tolkien without you guys. Too bad Ted wasn't free to go. 🙁

P.S. Is it just me, or is there no skin on the Balrog's wings in FOTR? 🙂
Jagger from Lausanne wrote on December 19, 2002 at 12:56 AM

Voilà , un message un peu plus complet car j'ai plus de temps ...

Je voulais vous féliciter pour vos oeuvres, pour l'imaginaire que vous "retranscrivez" si bien ! Merci de faire rêver mon frère (ces principaux loisirs sont la lecture de Tolkien (toute l'oeuvre) et la collection des livres qui vous sont consacrés) merci d'être si gentil (Nous sommes restés plusieurs heures avec mon frère, à  vous regarder dessiner (l'année dernière chez Payot) et encore merci d'avoir signer notre press-book (au grand dame de la chef de rayon qui nous a engueuler par la suite) alors que nous n'avions pas de billets pour la dédicace et aussi d'avoir pris plusieurs livres chez vous pour y faire les dédicaces que vous n'aviez pas eu la possibilité de faire sur place !

Voilà  ça faisait longtemps que j'attendais l'ouverture de votre site !
Chris from London, UK wrote on December 19, 2002 at 12:31 AM
Hello John,

I have long been a fan of your art and find it both facinating and inspirational. I am a Tolkien fan and was glad to see you involved in the making of the movies.

Kemal Ciftcioglu from Turkey wrote on December 18, 2002 at 5:44 PM
I'm only 17 years old and very interested in art.My interest came from the works of John Howe.Your art really amazed me! Now I'm preparing to go to a Fine Arts Faculty in University:)
Great Imagination and great Art! I'm collecting pictures of your work in my computer,I have lots of pictures but it's really difficult to find very high resolution of your work.I hope when your site completely opens,we can download it.

Thanks for this -soon to be- great web site!
Françoise from La Tour-de-Peilz wrote on December 18, 2002 at 3:06 PM
Absolutely gorgeous !
Je suis en admiration devant vos oeuvres. Continuez à  nous enchanter et à  m'inspirer pour longtemps encore. Merci !
Jagger from Lausanne wrote on December 18, 2002 at 2:26 PM
Enfin ouvert! Je suis le premier 🙂 !!!!!
Le site est très sympa !!!
John from Switzerland wrote on December 16, 2002 at 9:14 PM
Please sign the guest book, leave your name, a comment, a few words, whatever you like.
Oh, and come back soon.