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March 21, 2006

Written by John Howe

Or Saying What You Mean and Wearing It Too

Although our modern-day yearning for heraldry is now mostly limited to brand-name endorsement (and to being different, just like everybody else), there is something curiously appealing about becoming a willing and walking billboard.

The principal reason I love work in the movie industry or for games companies is that there are always so many t-shirts to be had. (I should get a t-shirt clause written into my contracts.)

But now, I’ve managed to cut out the middle man, and make my OWN heraldry available.

As you likely know, hosting a web site costs money, and rather than encumber the site itself with advertising and announcements, to place ourselves at the mercy of the dreaded pop-up window (shudder), my webmaster and I have decided that there is a better way to make this happen. (Well, to tell the truth, he decided, he did all the work, I just tag along and get the bucks and the glory… this is what’s called a co-venture in our modern world.)

T-shirts. Sweatshirts. Bags. Baseball caps. Stuff to wear.
It’s all happening here
(We’ve reconfigured the “Retail Therapy” section to accommodate things. Everything else – books, calendars, etc. – has been placed under the heading “All The Other Stuff”.)

For the time being, the selection of motifs is limited, but the product range is pretty exhaustive. (Just looking through it all I felt exhausted.)
If we get favorable echoes about the whole idea, we will expand, extrapolate and create.

And, if I’m lucky, I might even come out of it with some t-shirts…

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