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Hurry up and Wait

October 23, 2004

Written by John Howe

Or “That Was Great! Could You Please Repeat It, But Louder This Time?”

Back in the thick of the second documentary.
Talking about yourself is like handling a sharp sword – you can just as easily stick yourself with it as parry questions and strike deep to the heart of essential themes.
If there is anything I’ve learned since the days when nobody could care less what I might have to say, it’s to NEVER really prepare a speech or an interview.
How do you explain a choice of profession when it chose you?
How do you explain how you work without running the danger of transforming an intuitive process into a recipe?
How do you simply say anything you might not regret immortalizing mere minutes later?

If pencils and brushes could talk, it would be much easier.
They know what it’s all about, but wisely remain mute.


However, some things can do the talking for you…
Here are a few pages from the new book, which will be out in a few weeks.
And, yes, that IS “Preface by Viggo Mortensen”…





The editor and I proofed the whole book earlier this week, and I think it will look good. Lots of new pictures, loads of sketches, some done literally a day before the layout was finalized (long live high-speed internet) and insights and texts from Robin Hobb, Claude Clement, Moebius, Patrick Tatopoulos and Miles Teves.
I’ll post new pages over the next week or so.


Or the book a decade late… The Abandoned City has just been published by the Editions Casterman in Brussels. A few of the illustrations have already appeared in Myth & Magic, but the book is now complete, with Claude’s remarkable text. We’ll be signing at the Salon du Livre in Montreuil in November and unless I am mistaken, the originals will be on display at the Bibliotheque de St.-Gervais from November 4th . More on dates and times as I catch up with them.

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