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Memory Lane

October 10, 2004

Written by John Howe

Or Where I Illustrate Walls, Inhabit a Ghost Town and Impersonate a Frenchman, In That Order

An old acquaintance just sent me three memories out of the blue from 30 years ago:

“One was your bedroom in your parents’ house in Ollalla – you’d wallpapered it in white and were illustrating the walls.”

“The second was watching a CBC documentary about ghost towns of BC at Wendy’s place with you and Harold and others. As the show was ending, a list of such towns scrolled by and you were distraught to see Ollalla – where you were living at the time – in that list.”

“The third was when you, Harold, Bob, and I went for lunch in Penticton during the summer of ‘77 when I was in Naramata. You were home for the summer from Strasbourg and we found a restaurant (I think it was the Jade Garden on the north end of Penticton) that advertised “Chinese & Canadian Cuisine”. You put on your French accent and we went in looking for “Canadian Cuisine” for our friend (“Jean Comment”) from France, much to the chagrin of the server, who could not identify anything distinctly Canadian on the menu.”

That’s why I’ll never write an autobiography.
I always forget all the really good stuff….


But you can write about it.
Been squirrelling away at a huge interview for the new art book, which has left my brain feeling like a rind gnawed clean. The book will also have a truly wonderful introduction from someone I admire enormously as well as shorter texts from a wonderful crowd of other people I admire just as enormously. Oh yes, there will be lots of pictures too.
When Dom gets back from the temporary purgatory of 56 Ko internet connections and the editor permits, I’ll post some pdf files of the inside.
In the meantime you can find it here. There are even interior pages – click on “feuilleter les pages”, which will give you absolutely NO idea of what it looks like inside, as we have changed the whole thing since those early layouts…

But you can watch the reruns.
The Swedish/Swiss documentary that aired in Lund will be shown at the Utopiales festival in Nantes next month. Better than having my life just flash before my eyes, I can sit through 52 minutes of it. Theoretically, it should be on Friday November 5th; once I get a definite time and date, I’ll post them.

But you can sign books there.
I’ll be signing books at 1 p.m. on October 26th at the Chapters bookstore at Granville and Broadway in Vancouver. Because we’ll be shooting part of the Canadian documentary out in B.C., this is a shameless attempt to prove for posterity that I actually have a fan base, so not only do you get a signed book, but you get in the movie…

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