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Summer 2007 in Saint-Ursanne

July 15, 2006

Written by John Howe

Or A Little Fantasy, But for Real This Time

I get lost easily, and some places make me lose my way more completely than others. I believe in getting all tied up and involved with places, especially when the ties are those of mood, spirit or simply something in the atmosphere.

I’ve always loved Saint-Ursanne, it is one of those places that hasn’t been entirely compromised by unbridled urbanism, tucked away as it was in a sleepy valley rather off the beaten track, it has kept much of its medieval integrity.

So, as you may well imagine, when asked by Ursina, the local cultural makers and movers of the town, if I was interested in something unusual for 2007, I thought a few seconds and said “Well, yes, why not?”

Next summer, for two and a half months, during the summer of 2007. There will be exhibitions, concerts, all manner of things. Right now it is in the very early stages, but, as I know from experience, far-away dates are stealthy hunters, and they sneak up on you without a sound.

Left: The cloister next to the
Centre: Saint-Ursanne
Right: On the (stunning medieval) bridge across the Doubs.
Photos © Lionel Vadam
For the time being, the opening page is here. It will be updated regulary by the organisers as the event approaches. So, as the (over-used, so one more time won’t hurt) expression goes; watch this space.

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