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Summer Installment 2

August 16, 2008

Written by John Howe


This illustration was done primarily for the FANTASY ART WORKSHOP, though as usual with me, the circumstances leading up to it are a little more involved. The original idea emerged for the Beowulf Boardgame, but there was no room on the board for a full-size illustration, so it changed and became a small vignette. After, with the deadline running out for the Beowulf book, I decided to do it anyway and include it in the Workshop book. (As it turns out, by a miracle of deadline-bending, it also made it into Beowulf.)

Start the tour


Here’s a link to a recent televison interview, admittedly more understandable for French speakers, but the filming was good fun.
This may only get you to the right page, then you must select August 7th in the calendar, and under the header Emission du 07 août 2008, 19:00 you can then click on 19h00 Le journal de l’été (19:02 Min.)
The cloister is very well hidden, but just down the lake from Neuchâtel. We didn’t manage, as I had originally hoped, to fit in the Roman quarry (even better hidden) that is also nearby. The stone was taken across the lake of Neuchâtel by barge for construction work on Aventicum, the Roman capital of Helvetica. The last time we explored the quarry, we were speculating on the measurements used by the Romans to trace the grooves into which they would insert their wedges. Someone suggested six feet, so I laid down across one of the blocks to check. Perfect fit. Sometimes history is more fun if you can walk around on it.

Imagine FX has put an interview I did a while ago on line.

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