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The Hobbit World Premiere, Wellington, November 28, 2012

November 30, 2012

Written by John Howe




Thanks to all the fans who lined the red carpet, many of them there since the early morning just to get a spot. Their enthusiasm was matched only by their volume. 🙂

It’s easy to forget that without a public most forms of art and spectacle would simply not exist. Most sincere thanks to all those people who were there. I hope you remembered to bring sunscreen.

Here are a few more photos, courtesy of 111Emergency, who clearly had a good spot, a quality camera and a fine eye:













On another note, I didn’t manage a newsletter for November, like some suddenly rudderless ship, it hit the Deadline Shoals and sank without a trace in the Sea of Notenoughtime…. Things have been very very busy, especially of late. I have been keeping notes, though, these last three and a half years, so perhaps one day I’ll be able to write a proper account of it all.

In the meantime, things have calmed down a little, so I am hoping to resume newsletters as usual very shortly.




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