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Tolkien in Rennes

March 05, 2003

Written by John Howe

For those of you within driving flying walking distance of the city of Rennes in France, the gallery show is back.

From March 29th to April 5th, it will be at the Bilbiothèque de l’Université Rennes 2, Campus Villejean.
Naturally, there is not just the exhibition, but a host of conferences, round tables, debates and other events. The complete program can be found at:

I’ll be signing books at the librairie “Critic” on Wednesday April 2nd at 3 p.m. and participating in a forum on Thursday. (I’ll confirm all these times and dates, I’m never really sure exactly what I’m doing at these events, I just go where I’m told and do what I’m ordered…)
It seems to be contest season (must be the imminence of spring, mounting sap and all that). I’ve foolhardily agreed to be a judge on a Lord of the Rings Fan Art Contest. You can find out more about it here: http://www.lotrfanart.net/fanclub2003

Also up-and-coming, a Lord of the Rings Sword Design Contest, for those of you who feel the films just don’t quite have it, you can design a blade (or blades) of your own. I’ll post the url when the site is ready to receive entries.
By the way, I don’t accept bribes, and flattery doesn’t work either…

But, this does tie in rather well to the next topic; webmaster Dominique and I have been thinking seriously of opening a section of the site dedicated to other peoples’ work, and that idea is slowly maturing. In order to keep it from outgrowing the rest of the site, like some vigorous and unruly branch grafted to a slow-growing tree, the rules for entries will be quite strict, (I mean like hey, it’s my site after all…) but for the coming week, the door is open to suggestions. Please address them to contact@john-howe.com Once I’ve had a bit of time to mull them over, and Dominique has outlined the logistics of it all, we’ll throw the door wide for you to post your artwork.

On the drawing board:
The first illustrations for the map of Numenor. When I’m done, this map and the other three exisitng ones will be published as a boxed set (same maps, but fewer folds and with separate booklets, I believe). I’ll post news on the publishing date as soon as I have it, but perhaps I’d better get cracking and deliver the artwork first…

See you next week!

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