…only to find out that it’s not true…
This seems to be illustrator interview week. Artist Interviews has recently put on line an interview done a month or so ago. Initially, in the introduction, I was very excited to find out I had won all kinds of awards and prizes throughout my career, so I wrote to ask if it was true, as it was indeed news to me. The paragraph was subsequently erased, so I guess my first prize in a high school driving safety contest remains my one and only claim to fame.
See the interview at:
A rather more informal one, (done over such a long period of time on the forum that I totally forgot it was an interview) can be found at:
With another bit at:
Otherwise, working with your shoulder to the wheel does indeed make Jack a dull boy…
On the drawing board: the Map of Numenor
I would like to announce a friend’s web site; http://www.time-machine.ch is now up and running.
It showcases the work of Gerry Embleton, historical illustrator, colleague and very dear friend, who now at long last has a selection of his work on line. Visit the site. Gerry is the best.
(Gerry, by the way, for those of you interested in serious medieval re-enactment, practically invented the Companie of Saynt George single-handed in the mid-eighties. For more news on our group and coming events, go to: http://www.companie-of-st-george.ch )
Otherwise, Dominique and I ARE getting our heads around the fan art chapter, and news will follow anon.
Next post will also announce a post office box where you may write if you wish. Please be patient if you do, I have a box full of letters to answer; I am so very slow that glaciers would pass me as if I was standing still.