Artists, illustrators, sculptors, friends and colleagues |
Found: 15 image(s) on 2 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 10.

Deak Ferrand
Deak is one of those unassuming and discrete Swiss who head off to foreign lands to become famous...
It's always a pleasure to meet people who let their work do the talking for them.
(And very eloquently too, I might add.) |

Jake Powning
Incredibly talented swordsmith, artist and photographer Jake Powning, about as close as you can come these days to the Renaissance man... except his loves lie in rather earlier periods: Viking. Vendel, Saxon, the time of Arthur and Merlin, Odin and the Nine Worlds. |

Jeff de Boer
Jeff is the perfect image of the extravagently original artist.
Not only are his sculptures exquisitely crafted, his ideas are the most original, irreverent and just plain astonishing I've ever seen.
Fabulous |

Justin Sweet
I met Justin while working on Narnia. Not only is he a fabulous draftsman, he's just an all-around nice guy. |

Scott Maple has the basement I dream of: full of statues, costumes, movie paraphenalia, machines, tools, and even two happy slaves - sorry, collaborators - making the most marvelous stuff.
Prop culture.
Wonderful. |

Mélanie Delon
Mélanie Delon is a young French illustrator whose work appears regularly in ImagineFX. |

Milivoj Ceran
Milivoj Ceran is part of the generation of illustrators will one day put the likes of me out of style... but in the meantime, I am the proud owner of the The Chicken of the Black Gates, otherwise known as the Fell Fowl of Mordor... |

Oscar Nilsson is an amazing maker of faces and figures of all periods in all sizes.
I know because I am the proud (very proud) owner of a unique sculpture of Oscar did of Gandalf the Grey, based on that ill-fated illustration of mine. It is an astonishingly beautiful piece of work. But of course Oscar doesn't just make wandering wizards, he does all manner of (always beautiful) work. |

Pamela Williams
Pamela Williams is a Canadian photographer who spends a gool deal of time contemplating life in cemeteries, emerging with the most exquisite photographs. |

Paul Bonner
Paul is one of those annoying fellows with whose work it is impossible to find fault. (He's also a terribly nice guy, so you can't dismiss him for being arrogant or stand-offish.)
A century from now, his work will be sought-after, worshipped and fetch astronomical prices. Avid and frustrated fans will pay fortunes for tattered old magazines with his art.
But a century is too long to wait. Paul's work deserves all that NOW. Go check out his site. |
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