Artists, illustrators, sculptors, friends and colleagues |
Found: 15 image(s) on 2 page(s). Displayed: image 11 to 15.

Perry Miniatures
The Perry twins are something of a legend in the world of miniatures. I actually met them regularly in the 15th century for a number of years before one day we got talking around a campfire "And what do you guys do when you're not in costume..."
Turns out we had a lot in common...
They are resposible for some of the best miniatures to come out of Games Workshop, they both paint and are married to totally talented lady artists; they illustrate books on history, sculpt miniatures for Peter Jackson's personal collections, and... if that wasn't enough, have their own successful company. |

Rebecca Guay
In her own words:
She loves loves loves shoes
She doesn’t like juice
She’s been drawing since she was in kindergarten (and was pretty sure she wanted to go into art then!)
Her first drawings were of Wonder Woman.
Her favorite artists?: too many to name, but pretty much ALL of the turn of the century illustrators, as well as most of the Pre-Raphaelites, Holbien and the northern renaissance, Japanese block prints and art nouveau in general. |

Ted Nasmith
Ted needs no introduction, his artwork speaks for itself.
(Not only is he a very nice guy, he's Canadian too, so of course that makes him perfect.) |

The Shiflett Brothers
Brandon and Jarrod Shiflett
In a world where must figurative fantasy sculptors cater to the movie collectables market, when much is overdone, over-detailed and over-static, it's a pleasure (and very reassuring) to see sculptors with a "painterly" approach. The Shiflett Brothers are to sculpting what Frank Frazetta is to painting.
Incidentally, Simon Lee, who designs and troubleshoots for their web site, is a talented sculptor too. His site: Big Blue Tree. |

Time Machine
Time Machine is owned and run by my good friend and neighbour Gerry Embleton. Gerry's name is familiar in the re-enactment world, he is the author of "The Medieval Soldier" and co-founder of the Companie of Saynt George. Gerry also happens to be a fabulous illustrator (and has a vast library I pillage regularly when I need documentation). |
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