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This is the one shop I always try to stop at when I'm in London. While thumbing through Dover's huge catalogue is always a pleasure, browsing in a shop that sells nothing but Dover books is pretty much heaven.
The Dover Bookshop is the worlds only independant specialist in Dover Publications, focussing on the Pictorial Archive range of "free to use" images and picture sources for creatives. The shop has been selling Dover Books in covent Garden for 24 years, providing a unique resource where sourcebooks can be seen and browsed at leisure. |

Bud Plant Comic Art
Bud Plant (yes that IS his name) has been selling illustrated books for ages. My copy of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Library of Illustration came from Bud, and believe you me, it made a BIG dent in the summer job money I'd saved up for art school tuition...
This to say that Bud has been around a while. Packages are sturdily wrapped and promptly expedited.
Every now and then I indulge in some SERIOUS retail therapy with Bud - once you're hooked, it's a hard habit to kick. |

Jim Vadeboncoeur
Jim is a pure product of those halcyon days when it was deemed possible to make a livelihood of what you were passionate about, rather than become an ardent moral defender of whatever line you ended up happening to be in...
He publishes ImageS, which is an absolutely indispensable collection of turn-of-the-century illustration, most of it either heretofore forgotten or near-impossible to find.
His shop is here. Go buy something. You'll be keeping a dream alive. |

Sophisticated Games
Sophisitcated Games is the publisher of the Lord of the Rings and Beowulf Boardgames
(As well as a LOT of others.) In their own words:
"The company was founded by Robert Hyde and Ken Howard in 1998 as a vehicle to publish their Sophie's World Boardgame. Following the success of this game, Sophisticated Games secured the rights to the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, resulting in a programme that has established the company at the forefront of quality games publishing. We aim to develop games that are mostly (but not exclusively) based on well known literary brands.
Sophisticated Games is based in Cambridge, a stone's throw from the famous Cambridge 'Backs' (the meadows and gardens that adjoin the river flowing behind some of the largest colleges)." |

Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art
Spectrum is THE annual fantasy and science fiction catalogue. Not only does a set of them look quite distinguished on your bookshelf, submitting your work is simple and not too expensive compared to many similar publications. |