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From Bag End to Wilderland (24)
Illustrations for The Hobbit, or There and Back Again
From Hobbiton to Mordor (261)
Illustrations for The Lord of the Rings
Cards and Such
The Painting of Middle-Earth (34)
Illustrations for The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales and The History of Middle-Earth
Myth & Magic (14)
Other lands, other realms... fantasy illustrations
Cover Art (135)
Book covers, etc.<br /> Commissioned artwork.
Robin HOBB
Books with Pictures (172)
Illustrated books and children's books
Monographies, Catalogues and Collections, Beowulf, A Diversity of Dragons ...
Unpublished (45)
Unpublished artwork - images not originally intended for publication or not used... Most have since been published elsewhere.
Sketchbooks (136)
Sketches and works in progress - some leading up to colour work, some for their own sake...
Moving Pictures (79)
Movie design and film work
The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, On Camera
Scrapbook (286)
Out & About, or Life Away From the Drawing Board (Not that I ever get very far mind you...)
Been There, Done That...
Printed Matter (810)
All things printed... book covers, calendars, posters, postcards, boardgames et tutti quanti
Tolkien, Robin Hobb, Calendars, Games, Posters, etc ...
2021.12/2022.01 -ONE LAST TIME (124)
Welcome to Fan Art, a little space where you can express yourselves, as long as you abide by the rules [<a href="" target="_blank">english</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">deutsch</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">français</a>]. Forum tread: <a href="">Fan Art Section</a>
Flavour of the Month
Fit to Print (363)
Magazines, newspapers, articles in general...
English, French, German ...
2483 images in 81 categories.

New images

2022.01 - ONE LAST TIME: A Last One
2022.01 - ONE LAST TIME: A Last One
Flavour of the Month

2022.01 - ONE LAST TIME: Goodbye Daisy
2022.01 - ONE LAST TIME: Goodbye Daisy
Flavour of the Month

2022.01 - ONE LAST TIME: Age of man is over
2022.01 - ONE LAST TIME: Age of man is over
Flavour of the Month

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