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2004.10.31 - Lucca Comics and Games

2004.10.31 - Lucca Comics and Games

Lucca Comics and Games
October 31, 2004

This is the kind of thing I always feel prompted to ask the people running the show to let me take home... where it would of course end up folded, spindled and mutilated in my attic along with all the other junk people kindly give me when I beg and grovel and give them the old soulful stare with the lost puppy eyes...
Actually, as much as I secretly enjoy seeing my work plastered all over the place elsewhere, there is little of it on the walls at home. Surrounding oneself with one's own work would seem a little like never changing the water in the bath...

Photo © Carlo

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2004.11.30 - Blades it is!

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