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2005.05.27 - Jean Giraud

2005.05.27 - Jean Giraud

May 27, 2005

I have wanted to meet Jean Giraud aka Gir aka Moebius aka the best comic artist, film designer, and just plain artist alive today in France if not all of Europe and the rest of the world... (Does it show that I admire his work?)
Meeting people of that stature is fraught with anxiety for me, and had not the taxi doors been locked, I might have leaped out at some stoplight and slinked back to the hotel. (That and the knowledge that if I pulled a like stunt, my wife WOULD have killed me.)
Jean is amazing.
It was a wondeful dinner.
(And no, I can't recall what I ate.)

Photo: Jean-Jacques Launier

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2005.05.27 - Jean Giraud

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