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2006.02.24 - The Group of Seven

2006.02.24 - The Group of Seven

At the ambassador's residence. The painting on the wall is by one of the Group of Seven, a brotherhood of artists that redefined Canadian landscape painting in the early 20th century. In 1920, J.E.H. MacDonald, Lawren Harris, A.Y. Jackson, Arthur Lismer, Franklin Carmichael, F.H. Varley and Frank Johnston officially formed this now famous group. These were painters bitten by the Canadian north who, for the first time, took on the task of painting the great power, scenery and spirit of their land. (Admittedly, there is a lot to be bitten by in the Canadian wilderness: bears, beauty, blackflies and the Boreas to name a but a few... )
They are household words in Canada - and completely unknown outside the country.

In front: A Group of Two.

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