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2006.09.19 - Haut-Koeningsbourg

2006.09.19 - Haut-Koeningsbourg

Make-up time.
(Even those of us for whom there is little hope of ever being presentable on the screen get to have make-up applied.)

The setting is in the actual study of Kaiser Wilhelm, which is reached by a more or less secret (or at very least discrete) stairway hidden behind a wardrobe in a hard-to-find room of the castle. (There were times when I just couldn't quite find the right stairs to different places we were shooting, although I know the place pretty well. Castles can be confusing at times.)
That's Wilhelm's chair I'm sitting in... first (and likely last) that I'll ever sit in an Emperor's chair.

Photo © Cerigo Films

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2006.09.19 - Haut-Koeningsbourg  
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