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2006.12.16 - Claude Lapointe

2006.12.16 - Claude Lapointe

One of the pleasant things about signing sessions in towns you've spent time in are all the familiar faces who turn up; moral support is all in the face of monster line-ups.

If I've truly understood anything about illustration, I owe all I know to Claude, who happily integrated the weird student from Canada (I STILL have no idea what he actually thought at the time) in his Illustration class from the fall of '77 to spring 1981. (And even gave me a diploma too!)

He is a grand gentleman and one of those unassuming and incredibly talented people who serve that worthy cause: telling stories in pictures.

Photo: Fataneh

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2006.12 - Saint-Ursanne  
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2006.12.16 - Librairie Kao Bang, Strasbourg

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