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2003.10.26 - Gruyères: Opening Night

2003.10.26 - Gruyères: Opening Night

Doing a sketch for H.-R. Giger.
I have admired this man's work since forever I think. When Alien came out (25 years ago, almost, scary, eh?), we went to see it SEVEN times in the week. In the days before teasers and trailers and web sites, there was no hype to spoil the fun, and the movie was SUCH a total surprise that it took us days to recover. Never before had I imagined it was possible to go straight from the artist's mind to the big screen. I bought up ALL the spin-off books and applauded in front of the TV when he was awarded an Oscar...
And to top it all off, he is a very pleasant man and a gentleman besides.

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