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The Tolkien Calendar 2001

The Tolkien Calendar 2001

The Tolkien Calendar 2001
ISBN - 0-06-105852-1

January: Black Riders in the Shire
February: Gandalf Falls with the Balrog
March: Horseman in the Night
April: Gollum Flees the Elves of Mirkwood
May: Escape from Orthanc
June: The Argonath
July: The Bridge of Khazad-dum (Gandalf and the Balrog II)
August: Legolas and Gimli (at Helm's Deep)
September: Shelob About to Leap on Frodo
October: The End of the Third Age (The End of All Things)
November: Zirakzigil
December: The Grey Havens
Double page poster: Grond

Original artwork:
Escape from Orthanc

Keywords: Tolkien, calendar_2001
File size: 61.5 KB

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