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Mount Doom

Mount Doom

Mount Doom
94.6 x 49.4 cm, 2000
Sophisticated Games © 2000
Many more Mordor rocks! I imagine the plains of Mordor like a stormy sea suddenly petrified. Rocks for Mordor come from two places: the Gulf Islands in British Columbia and the Wellington area in New Zealand. I've spent countless hours happily ruining my running shoes on razor-sharp rock, enthusiasm occasionally dampened by eager waves, taking photographs along the shores. I used to head out in all kinds of nasty weather (Hey, I'm from Vancouver, remember? The land that defines rain as a way of life.) along the deserted beaches in Seatoun, and there would always be ONE other person out there, soaked to the skin and happy as a muskrat. Alan Lee, of course.... it must rain all the time in Devon too.

Keywords: Lord_of_the_Rings, Tolkien, Boardgame
File size: 57.1 KB

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