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2003.02.15 - The Exhibition

2003.02.15 - The Exhibition

This is the "I was there and I can damn well prove it" photo. (Sorry to inflict upon you the sorry specacle of my knobbly knees, but it was so-o-o good to climb back into the Kiwi national costume - shorts and a t-shirt.)
After passing between the statues of the Argonath and taking the escalator up, there is a permanent queue of patient fans in front of the ticket counter. (While the museum is free, temporary exhibits sport an entry fee.) I went back three times, each time giving up in despair at the length of the lineup (to which you have to add the lineup at the entrance to the gallery itself) and vowing to return when there were less people.
But, there were NEVER less people, so I capitulalted and asked to be let in free. After the usual initial skepticism and outright disbelief (I can almost hear people thinking "Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England or pull the other one, it's got even more bells..." in these cases) where I can never prove who I am, I finally managed, courtesy of the director of the exhibition, skip the queue and get ushered in.
No photos, sorry, cameras forbidden on pain of death and all that, but it really was truly wonderful.

(Believe me. I was there.)

February 2003

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